Hey guys, it's Lee. Thanks for stopping by The Not So Political Protestant, a publication dedicated to correcting the course of the American church regarding politics and its place in the lives of Christians. The Not So Political Protestant is here to call God's people back to sanity and repentance because, as citizens of another world, our mandate is to live kingdom first, country second.
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Now without further ado, let's get into today's edition.
I recently received a comment from a reader that is a perfect example of a response I get quite often from those who disagree with my stance on the need for the church to repent from its addiction and many times idolatry of politics. The comment is always along the lines of, ‘Not all Christians are obsessed with politics. I am not a Trump worshipper. I love the Lord and want to see godly morals restored to America’
As I said, it is very common for me to get a response such as this in various forms. If I’m honest, it is very frustrating because I am regularly making the statement, sometimes multiple times to the same person on multiple posts, that I am not saying every Christian who is involved in politics is committing idolatry or throwing the gospel message out the window. I have typed the words, “There is nothing wrong with being involved in politics if you feel led to be, as long as it does not overshadow or hinder your passion and ability to reach the lost” so many times it is almost muscle memory which kicks in every time I type the word ‘There’.
I have considered, going forward with my replies, to ask the following question using the Political Christian battle cry saying, ‘If I had said, ‘We need to restore godly morals to America’ would you feel the need to say, ‘I am not immoral’?” The answer to that is no, they would not.
I have never seen Political Christians feel the need to defend themselves when someone says, ‘America has a drug problem’ or ‘We have a crisis of morality in America’ by letting the speaker know they do not have a drug problem and not immoral. Yet, when I say the church needs to repent of its political idolatry, if I don’t add the disclaimer of, ‘Not ALL Christians are politically idolatrous, some feel the need to correct my ‘broad stroke’ statement. Heck, some even do so when I do add that disclaimer.
So the question that begs to be answered is, should I not make such a broad-stroked statement about Political Christians need for repentance?
In His letter to the Corinthians, Paul was addressing a problem in the church of division, and he said, “you are still carnal, for where there are envy, strife, and division among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?”. Does this mean Paul was saying every single believer in that church were envious individuals who cause strife and division? No, and he did not follow up with a disclaimer saying he was not referring to everyone in the church, it was just understood.
In the book of Matthew, chapter 23, Jesus is speaking to the people and warning them not to pattern their lives after the scribes and pharisees. He blasts out a list of woes calling them hypocrites and saying they seek praise among other things. But the gospels reveal some of those men were not as bad as others. Men like Nicodemus who came to Christ asking about salvation and eventually became a follower. So, should he have said, ‘Now, I’m not referring to every scribe and pharisee”?
While not every Christian who votes is obsessed with politics, it is a huge problem in the church today and it must be addressed with the entire body because it is destroying our effectiveness in reaching the lost. The divisiveness, anger, hatred, and idolatry which has infected the Trump era conservative Christian movement has made the church seem to be no different than the heathens they cry out condemnations against.
The question is, why would someone feel the need to defend themselves when I speak of the sins of politically obsessed Christians? If they themselves are not obsessed with politics, wouldn’t they agree it is wrong to be obsessed with them? If so, why not simply say, ‘you’re right’?
Why do they feel it necessary to defend themselves?
Psychologists say there are several reasons people get defensive when they feel criticized; fear of being seen as losers, control and power issues, and instinctive response to a threat to our identity are a few of them. But many times, we defend ourselves because deep down we are afraid (or know) our accuser might be right.
I truly believe many people who make these statements fall into the last category. Let’s face it, our flesh does not like to be called out for our sin or for failure to live up to standards. So, when someone speaks out against a sin in our lives, we feel the need to justify our actions by deflecting attention away from our sin.
So, I say, ‘The church needs to repent of political obsession and return its focus to its true mission of proclaiming the gospel’ and someone replies, ‘It is possible to push for moral laws and still proclaim the gospel’. You are involved in politics and still preach the gospel? Great! But do you not think there it is a problem when someone does care more about politics than reaching the lost?
In response to people using the biblical prophecy, “The government shall rest upon his shoulders” with a picture of Trump I say, ‘People are worshipping Trump’ and someone responds, ‘Jesus is my savior, not Trump but I voted for him because he is bringing God back to the White House”. You don’t worship Trump? Okay, but why are you not furious about those who call themselves Christian who bring the perfect, sinless son of God down to Trump’s level to boost his image?
Now, here is the cold hard truth. While there are many godly Christians who vote and are politically involved, there are also many more who claim to be a Christian but really have no clue what true salvation looks like. They have been taught, in large part by the political Christian movement, that if they have morals that line up with the bible, they are a Christian. But they are Christian in name only and that is why it is imperative someone declare the truth to them.
In Jude’s letter to the church he spoke heavily about apostates and those who claimed the name of Christ but were not truly saved. At the end of the letter, he told the people that some people needed to be “saved with fear”.
And on some have compassion, making a distinction, but to others save with fear pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh” (Jude 1:23)
These are very strong words showing an urgency to address the issue. If we sit back and do not say something to those who are living lives that reveal they are not truly saved, (i.e. using scriptural prophesy of Christ’s birth over his picture to show his divine purpose) and they die, their blood will be on our hands.
That is why I speak out. First, to warn the Christian who is flirting with political obsession and idolatry, and second to hopefully open the eyes of the deceived non-Christian as to what true Christianity looks like.
The American church is in great need of spiritual renewal right now, but too many are focused on the sins of the world and are blind to the massive beam in their own spiritual eyes. It is God’s people 2 Chronicles 7:14 calls to repentance, and the healing of America will not happen until the church repents, turns, and seeks God.
The burden is on us, not the heathen. Because when God’s people repent and live KINGDOM FIRST - COUNTRY SECOND, the lost will be saved and the nation will experience an awakening and when that happens, all the issues the Political Christian establishment is fighting against, will begin to decline as God writes His laws on the hearts of people.
So dear Political Christian, next time you see me speak out against the obsession and idolatry of those who care more about winning elections than winning the lost, fight the urge to defend yourself and instead ask yourself why is that your gut response and not a wholehearted ‘Amen'!’. If you are not obsessed with politics at the loss of you passion for the gospel, why are you angry about me speaking out against it?
Well, I hope you have enjoyed this edition of The Not So Political Protestant. I would love to hear your thoughts, whether you agree or disagree. Just keep it civil and know you will be pressed to give scriptural proofs for your stance, so search the scriptures because without those, we have no footing to take a stand.
The Not So Political Protestant is a user funded publication. While all subscribers, free and paid, currently have access to all features, I would greatly appreciate your support both financially and prayerfully.
Until next time, have a great day and don’t forget to live KINGDOM FIRST – COUNTRY SECOND.
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